The Navy SEAL & Ancient Warrior 

for Achieving Your Goals & Creating a Life of Power & Freedom

Unbeatable Mind Foundations is the ultimate system for creating steel-grade mental strength that gives you full control over your life.

In this flagship program, Mark Divine combines experience from 20 years leading Navy SEALs with techniques from Ancient Warrior Tribes, Zen Meditation, Martial Arts, Yogic Breathwork, and more…

The Navy SEAL & Ancient Warrior 

for Achieving Your Goals & Creating a Life of Power & Freedom

Unbeatable Mind Foundations is the ultimate system for creating steel-grade mental strength that gives you full control over your life.

In this flagship program, Mark Divine combines experience from 20 years leading Navy SEALs with techniques from Ancient Warrior Tribes, Zen Meditation, Martial Arts, Yogic Breathwork, and more…
Mark Divine, Founder of Unbeatable Mind and SEALFIT; NAVY SEAL Commander ret.
Hi, I'm Mark Divine.
Former 20-year Navy SEAL Commander, creator of SEALFIT, and author of the international bestsellers Unbeatable Mind and Way of the SEAL.

For the past 34 years, I’ve dedicated myself to coaching people from all walks of life. At first, my Unbeatable Mind system was only taught to the Navy SEALS and U.S. Special Forces that I created training programs for.

But over time, I brought the Unbeatable Mind to Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, and thousands of men, women, — and even teenagers — who truly want success on their own terms. 

What I’ve found is the techniques that work with Navy SEALS & billionaires also work with people from all walks of life. 

I’ve watched chubby civilians get into literal SEAL-shape (these are suburban dads that can now outperform most military man).

I’ve seen countless business professionals double their earnings.

And I’ve been blessed to see so many people use these same principles to create and deepen amazing relationships with their spouses, families, and friends.
Now, you might expect that a self-growth path based on Navy SEAL and warrior principles would be gung-ho, stressful, and brutal. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way.

Some people do thrive on that kind of life. They love 80 hour workweeks, 4 AM wakeups, and workouts that hurt more than feel good. Not me, and not most people I know. In fact, it’s usually utterly unnecessary. 

There is a fast, efficient way to accomplish your goals.

It just requires that you:


Identify your


Know how to
Hit it


Do the required

When you have the self-knowledge to know what you want… the intuition to know how to get it the quickest… and the sheer mental strength to make yourself do it NOW, you become utterly unstoppable. 

The good news is that this often takes a lot less time and less effort than you expect. Whether you want a million dollars or six-pack abs, there is a fast, efficient, and likely pretty fun way of getting it. And that’s a beautiful thing. What’s the point of success if you’re stressed all the time, or never see your kids? 

Now… quick reality check. This isn’t magic. And it probably won’t be easy. In fact if your goals are very high, it will require some real effort and work. But you will achieve it while having the balance of family, inner peace, and vibrant health that you truly want. This is what happens when you wield the incredible efficiency and power of the Unbeatable Mind. Now let me tell you why you need this right now.

In case you haven’t noticed, things have gotten quite a bit more difficult around the world…

These 4 Letters Will Break You If You Don’t Know This

It is a very stressful time to be on this planet. We have more resources than ever before… but also more chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. 

Politics is more polarized than ever. Every time a scandal breaks, we have less faith in the government structures that are designed to protect us. 

The news has become both more negative and harder to trust. This gives us the odd choice between believing the sensational doom & gloom, or not knowing what to believe at all. Add to this the concerns on climate change, the evolving world of AI, and a business & work life that seem to change every single month.

Back in the 1980’s, the U.S. Army War College came up with a term for exactly what we’re going through right now. 


Volatility. Uncertainty. Complexity. Ambiguity.

VUCA is a wartime term for a situation where everything is changing, anything can happen… and no one really understands what is going on. The U.S. Army War College focused on this phenomenon because they knew how incredibly stressful VUCA was on their soldiers. The more VUCA there was in a wartime situation, the more likely a soldier would either die on the battlefield, or face crushing PTSD if he survived.

Now we’re in a more global type of VUCA. 

It’s less intense than war, but seeps into every aspect of your life. You may not have bullets flying at you. But you have to deal with inflamed stress, worries, and fears that are very damaging to your health, mental wellbeing, and relationships. And with all that on your plate, trying to succeed at any goal becomes far more difficult. No matter whether you’re seeking to improve your finances, your fitness, or your connections with others, VUCA will tear down everything it can reach.

But there is a way out.

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We Found the Solution to Wartime Chaos, 
And It Created Legions of Winners In Combat, Business, & Life

Interestingly, the U.S. Army College only had to come up with the VUCA term, because the world had forgotten the lessons of the past warriors.

VUCA has always been a thing. There have been extremely brutal and chaotic battles since the beginning of time… with much less communication and way worse medical care. That’s why the warrior classes like the Samurai, Shaolin Monks, and Spartans had methods for dealing with the chaos.

The warriors understood that peaceful — yet active — mindfulness is the only way to not just survive, but thrive in battle. The warriors also understood that it was unsustainable for anyone to be living on a mental diet of stress, fear, anger, and other uncomfortable emotions. 

That’s why when I began designing training programs for the Navy SEALs and other Special Forces teams, I did everything I could to bring these ancient traditions back into the protocols. This was the beginning of the Unbeatable Mind.

And what happened next should have been impossible…

Why the U.S. Government Insisted I Teach
the SEALs this New Method

I thrived in the Navy SEALs, and was even the honor student in my class at BUD/S training. While I did learn much about mindset and discipline from my Navy leaders, much of my success came from what I brought into the training. I was already a black belt in Seido Karate, and had spent a lot of time with a Zen Master. This made it much easier to push past the intense, fear, struggle, and outright pain during training. Remember that in SEAL training, you must push past reasonable human limits. 

You’re swimming 5 miles in the ocean. You’re staying up 5 days in a row, doing nonstop brutal exercise. And sometimes, you’re underwater with your feet and hands tied together underwater to simulate you drowning to death. 

85-90% of people in SEAL training quit or fail. 

This is from a pack of already incredibly dedicated people in outstanding shape. So it’s not that the ones who didn’t make it were lazy or unmotivated. I realized that the Navy was filtering out those who did not already live by these Warrior Principles… I lucked out that I had my martial arts and Zen training beforehand. And others were just born with these habits in place. 

Once I was in, I made it my mission to figure out why the best SEALs and warriors of all time performed as they did. And once I cracked the code, I started teaching the new recruits what I had learned.
The results? An over 90% success rate for recruits passing SEAL training (assuming they passed the initial physical test to train in the first place). What was normally a 10-15% success rate went up to nearly perfect. And this is not just one class of recruits. This has been done again and again all over the United States for all SEAL Teams. 

That is why I know these Warrior Principles, which form the Unbeatable Mind. It has already changed countless lives. If you join me on this journey, it will change your life too.

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Now let’s look at the science aspect. We’ve already proven that the principles of the Unbeatable Mind work from how the SEAL’s pass-rate went from 10-15% to almost 100%. But let’s look at the proof on the cellular level.

Tell me this: 
They both understand that the secret to elite performance is a calm mind and psychological safety. We can now literally look at what brainwaves are flying in people’s brains when they are effortlessly succeeding… or struggling, failing, and completely giving up. Most of us live in a state of Beta Waves. This is where we tend to be mildly stressed, distracted, and going about our day. When we get very relaxed, we move into a state of using Alpha Waves. This is where we are more “go with the flow” and things tend to work out. And when we’re completely in the zone and doing amazing work, while having the time of our lives… that is a state of Theta Waves. Theta is the “flow state.” 

It’s the state that world-class athletes perform in… that Buddhist Monks reach in deep meditation… and that the Ancient Warriors strived to reach in battle. Now it probably makes sense why the Samurai, Shaolin Monks, and other warriors had such a deep meditation practice. It wasn’t all just peace and woo-woo… they wanted to win wars!

And they had a paradox to solve: How do you create a state of psychological safety & calm… when you’re physically in danger of dying? And not just you… your village, your family… literally everyone you know. Getting in that peaceful, flow-state while in battle is IMPOSSIBLE if you don’t know what to do.

But it’s CERTAIN if you have the tools that I am about to teach you. The Ancient Warriors, and the Navy SEALS (with my guidance), have techniques, processes, and rituals to bring you to a Zen state of calmness and 100% confidence in success. I call this method the Unbeatable Mind. It gives you the ways to breathe… visualize… and contemplate your situation… So you’re pretty much guaranteed to achieve success… and rapidly! It doesn’t mean you won’t fail, or that every door will open to you.

But you will be an unstoppable force… tearing down challenges in your way, shrugging off so-called failures… and bucking seemingly impossible odds to get exactly what you want. 

How to Use these Warrior Secrets If 
You’re Not an Official “Warrior”

So if you’re not trying to become a Navy SEAL, or even a cop… how does this apply to you? Well it turns out that if you master the principles warriors use to calmly and swiftly take victory on the battlefield… All of life becomes a lot easier. 

What do you think is easier… rescuing a hostage or meeting your accounting deadline? Parachuting over a war zone vs. winning a golf game? How about tiptoeing through a minefield vs. explaining to your wife why you forgot your anniversary? (Actually, those two are pretty similar). You probably get what I mean.

The Unbeatable Mind was originally created for recruits to get into elite, insanely competitive Special Forces teams… And to survive & win hopelessly difficult combat missions in utterly chaotic situations. So when I brought the Unbeatable Mind to Fortune 500 companies, to athletes, and to people from all walks of life… everything worked 10x easier.

When “normal people” use the Unbeatable Mind, they drop stress… sleep better… lose weight… and they come up with million-dollar business ideas so much easier. Discipline just becomes part of life, and it doesn’t even feel like “discipline.” And of course you keep your humor and lightheartedness. You don’t become a “stone-faced military man.” (Even in the Special Forces, we joke around more than you can imagine.) In fact, you probably will become a lot more fun, charming, and charismatic, because you’re not worrying or stressing anymore. 

Ready to try this out?

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Here’s 3 SEAL Techniques that Raise Your “5 Mountains” to Give You an Incredible Life

In the SEALs I consistently utilized the powers front-sight focus, psychological safety, and tactical visualization to accomplish our missions. If you’re new to this, “front-sight focus” is a term that comes from firearm marksmanship. When you fire a gun, you don’t aim the bullet directly at the target. In fact, you usually don’t even aim the gun barrel at the target.

Instead, you aim with the “front-sight,” that little window or notch that lets you focus where you shoot. The front-sight directs the gun barrel, which directs the bullet. 

When we get overwhelmed in fixing a problem or going for a goal, it’s usually because we’re trying to aim the bullet. And that’s almost impossible. Instead, we set up a chain-link mechanism that makes winning pretty much a sure thing. 

Front-sight focus is one of many tools we use in Unbeatable Mind to help you eviscerate your challenges, and bring you to what you truly want in life. And we’ve already talked about Psychological Safety. Do you know that helps with a lot more than staying calm in battle?

It’s what allows you to be creative, so you come up with powerful new ideas. It allows you to be intuitive, and spot opportunities that let you thrive and profit quickly. And it lets you deeply rest and rejuvenate when it’s time to sleep (or even take a 15 minute break). This lets you fuel yourself with energy and perform at your best. 

Want another example? Try Tactical Visualization.

In the SEALs, we would plan a mission by doing a “dirt dive.” We’d go outside and visualize everything that could go right or wrong in a mission. Even though there was mud or sand in front of us, we could visualize the waters we would be parachuting into. We’d run through all possible scenarios. And we’d be completely prepared for what we would do, no matter what life threw our way.

That’s how we won so consistently.

You can use Tactical Visualization in your own life for everything from finding the perfect house (that you can afford!), to raising your children, to negotiating a well-deserved raise. 

We have countless more examples, and you’ll see how all these techniques can help you in your 5 Mountains of life: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitional, and Spiritual.

Here’s 3 SEAL Techniques that Raise Your “5 Mountains” to Give You an Incredible Life

In the SEALs I consistently utilized the powers front-sight focus, psychological safety, and tactical visualization to accomplish our missions. If you’re new to this, “front-sight focus” is a term that comes from firearm marksmanship. When you fire a gun, you don’t aim the bullet directly at the target. In fact, you usually don’t even aim the gun barrel at the target.

Instead, you aim with the “front-sight,” that little window or notch that lets you focus where you shoot. The front-sight directs the gun barrel, which directs the bullet. 

When we get overwhelmed in fixing a problem or going for a goal, it’s usually because we’re trying to aim the bullet. And that’s almost impossible. Instead, we set up a chain-link mechanism that makes winning pretty much a sure thing. 

Front-sight focus is one of many tools we use in Unbeatable Mind to help you eviscerate your challenges, and bring you to what you truly want in life. And we’ve already talked about Psychological Safety. Do you know that helps with a lot more than staying calm in battle?

It’s what allows you to be creative, so you come up with powerful new ideas. It allows you to be intuitive, and spot opportunities that let you thrive and profit quickly. And it lets you deeply rest and rejuvenate when it’s time to sleep (or even take a 15 minute break). This lets you fuel yourself with energy and perform at your best. 

Want another example? Try Tactical Visualization.

In the SEALs, we would plan a mission by doing a “dirt dive.” We’d go outside and visualize everything that could go right or wrong in a mission. Even though there was mud or sand in front of us, we could visualize the waters we would be parachuting into. We’d run through all possible scenarios. And we’d be completely prepared for what we would do, no matter what life threw our way.

That’s how we won so consistently.

You can use Tactical Visualization in your own life for everything from finding the perfect house (that you can afford!), to raising your children, to negotiating a well-deserved raise. 

We have countless more examples, and you’ll see how all these techniques can help you in your 5 Mountains of life: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitional, and Spiritual.

The Fastest Way to Install This “Warrior Mindset” in Yourself And Be Truly Unbeatable

All you are looking for, whether it’s wealth, a new partner, or the best body on the beach… will be achieved fastest with this warrior’s mindset. Why? Because when you can take action easily and calmly…

When you can banish stress away in in a few breaths… And when you have the new incredible intuition to know exactly what steps to take (and what to skip)… Every goal just comes on demand. 

Some projects do take a while to finish. And if you’re in a very competitive field, you’ll likely have some failures on your way to the top. But this warrior mindset… this Unbeatable Mind… will get you there the fastest, and with the highest probability of success. And you’ll probably work way, way less because you’re only working on the things that truly matter. 

It’s not a motivational workaholic system, because I want you to have balance in your life. It’s not a “magical” manifestation system, because action is definitely required. (Though this is completely compatible with any metaphysical philosophy or religion).

The only way to install this in yourself is to do so in a step-by-step, regular basis… where you gently learn the techniques and steps that install the Unbeatable Mind into your brain.

You can get this by joining the Navy SEALS… but that’s out of reach for most people. You can also get this by joining the Shaolin Temple and becoming a warrior monk. But that is most likely not the lifestyle you are seeking either.

So instead, I am going to bring all these principles to you. They are all in my flagship online program that gives you every step needed to have a mind of steel and an ability to conquer all aspects of life. 

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Unbeatable Mind: Foundations Course
Master Your Life with Ageless Warrior Principles And Gain Amazing Success & Inner Peace

Unbeatable Mind: Foundations is the cornerstone of everything we do with SEALFit, my consulting with Fortune 500 companies, and the entire Unbeatable Mind Community.

All my coaches have to know this program inside out, because it gives absolutely every step you need to succeed and solves 99% of problems that Unbeatable Mind private clients have. 

In Unbeatable Mind: Foundations, you’re getting absolutely all I have to offer in terms of rewiring your brain to become an incredibly powerful human being. The only thing that’s missing is the specific fitness routines from SEALFit and the combat training from my Sheepdog Strong live programs. 

If you want everything I’ve pieced together from my time in the SEALs, my research on Ancient Warrior Tribes, the mental control from Zen Meditation, Yogic Breathwork, Martial Arts, and more… Then the only reasonable option is to start Unbeatable Mind: Foundations and begin the most amazing transformation of your life… and achieve everything you truly desire.

It would take me pages and pages to list everything you’ll get in Unbeatable Mind: Foundations, so let me give you a sample of what’s inside…

Your program includes:

The Witness of the Mind Process

To give you the power to step outside the drama and create inner peace in literally any moment.

Box Breathing Techniques

To take control of your parasympathetic nervous system and literally destress at will. You’ll also gain amazing physical and mental energy by harnessing your body’s incredible ability to use oxygen for power.

The Big 4 Skills of Mental Toughness

To make yourself a fortress of resilience, ready to stare the enemy in the eye and fight forward… whether it’s a job problem, an economic issue, or a flesh-and-blood opponent trying to take you down.

The Ultimate Morning Ritual

So you can live in full integrity to yourself, and be effortlessly inspired to meet your goals every day. When you have these dialed in, “motivation” becomes a joke, because you are literally living the only way you can imagine, at this point.

Program Your Mind for Courage and Disable Your Fear Response

You’ll still have the common sense to avoid danger and needless risk, but you’ll now have the inner fortitude to move forward when it’s the right thing to do for yourself, your business, and your family.

The Evening Ritual

To give you clarity, peace, and guidance right before you go to sleep. You’ll fall asleep fast, and wake up more rejuvenated and confident than you ever thought was possible.

The 5 Mountains of Development

And how to create amazing strides in your Physical, Mental, Emotional (and two more essential) areas of your life. The last two “mountains” are almost never mentioned in personal development, and can change your entire way of life. 

Discipline Beyond Belief

As you learn how to always “do the thing” and do it NOW. No more procrastination, and no more resistance. Doing your daily tasks, workouts, and project steps just become as natural as locking the door when you leave your home. 

Shadow Work

For integrating your “Dark Side” and turning it into a source of strength, empathy, and inner beauty. You will learn to love every part of yourself (even the not-so-good parts!) and use it for the better.

Stress Release & Utilization Mastery

To give your unbelievable control over your body and mind’s reaction to uncertainty, real & imagined threats, and difficult situations. You can literally lower your cortisol rate and raise your testosterone at will when you know this.

And much, much more!

Way of the SEAL - Full Program

This is a special bonus program that will teach you how to take the concepts of Unbeatable Mind and apply them to leadership in business. You’ll be an unstoppable force in any profession you’re in.

The 20x Factor

And how you can start accomplishing (and earning) 20 times more… and you may not even need to work a single hour more each week!

Creating a Compelling Vision

That carries you to your goal, almost automatically. You glide through the good times and march through the bad times… never stopping and always knowing the next step.

Micro Goals

That create simple steady baby steps that get you out of a rut and steamrolling your way to success. Your self-confidence skyrockets, and you’re astounded by how much you get done each day. 

Bulletproofing Your Mission 

So any obstacle, expected or not, is simply incapable of stopping you. You expect the best but prepare for the worst… and even the completely unknowable. (Think it’s impossible to prepare for what you don’t know? The SEALs did this every day, and I’ll show you how.)

Failure Firepower

Most people treat failure as a reason to quit, or at least a stumbling block. SEALS use failure as powerful leverage, essential intel, and a gift that will make you more successful than ever. Learn this hidden method and your life will never be the same.

Self-Assessment for Extreme Progress

Most people can’t evaluate themselves and don’t like others doing it for them. Here, you’ll learn how to kindly and easily assess where you are in your goals, so you know exactly what to do next. It’s like a GPS for your mission that gets you right to your target.

And much, much more!


Every warrior needs time for rejuvenation, recovery, rest, and relaxation. This part of your training will give you the “Yin” side of your growth, which melts stress, prevents burnout, and keeps you at your best.
I’ve combined what I consider the best of meditation, visualization, yoga, tai chi, and breathwork to help you become the best you that you can be. This isn’t “soft stuff” to skip. This element is essential to creating a mind, body, and spirit of steel that can withstand anything and crush all in your path. Remember that hardness without yielding is brittle and will break over time.

Custom-Made Yoga Sequences

To relax your body, build flexibility & strength, and create a natural “flow” to your sense of being. These can be done for as little as a few minutes or as long as an hour. They include our Zen Warrior Sequence, Ageless Warrior Sequence (for youthfulness), Our Recovering Warrior Sequence, and many others.

Advanced Breath Work

You’ll go far beyond the standard “box breathing” I teach, and wield your breath as an incredible tool that can dictate your state at will. You’ll be able to breathe to energize, breathe to relax, breathe to fall asleep, or breathe for creativity and intuitive answers. You’ll even know how to teach breathing exercises for someone who has PTSD or needs to find forgiveness.

Enhanced Visualization

You’ll use our custom visualization processes to create your upcoming reality to be as close to “on demand” as possible. You’ll connect with your future self’s enjoyment of abundance, program your body for maximum health, tap into spiritual insight, and so much more.

Tai Chi

You’ll use this process to harness the “chi” in your body (or energy, prajna, or even just blood flow, if you prefer). This will send healing intention across your entire body and massage your inner warrior for maximum performance and happiness.

From $1,199 to $499 a YEAR or $49 a month.
Why We Dropped the Price & Gave You MORE

For a long time, the only way to learn the Unbeatable Mind System was to either hire me for thousands of dollars…or happen to be in one or the organizations I was volunteering my time at. Then, Unbeatable Mind: Foundations was created, and people could buy the whole system for $1,199. Doing it this way worked great. No longer did someone have to be very well-off to afford this system.

But we noticed two problems with this approach.

1) $1,199 is still a lot of money for a lot of people. The economy hasn’t been perfect, and when a family has so many expenses, it can feel like a lot to make a purchase like this.

2) When people saw Unbeatable Mind: Foundations as a one-time purchased “product,” they were less likely to keep doing the exercises and techniques,

Unbeatable Mind is not a product. It’s a process.

It only works if you keep up the habits and techniques. It doesn’t take a lot of time to keep the momentum going, but you do have to be consistent with the little things you do. Then we realized… “Why not make this more affordable and more effective at once?”

The standard way of doing Unbeatable Mind: Foundations is taking a full month for each module, and finishing in a year. But this is at your own pace. You can go through all of the material at warp speed, or you can go very slowly to absorb all the information. 
What we love about the $499/year plan is that you get the chance to increase your income & net worth as you go. That way, the membership fee just becomes a drop in the bucket as you find yourself saving better, and/or earning more. 

Some people find they start getting promotions quickly. Others watch their businesses produce more than ever before. And some realize they’re spending a lot less on medications and doctor’s visits now that their health is in gear.

Either way, you’ll find that this is a program that pays for itself, and in so many ways. 

Become Unbeatable 
for Only $49/mo

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Your Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee
for An Unbeatable Mind

Most people who start Unbeatable Mind start feeling results from the very first day. You might find yourself feeling calmer… more centered… and more ready to take on the opportunities or challenges ahead. You might find yourself being a bit more productive. Maybe when you wake up in the morning, you get inspired to get out of bed right away instead of playing on your phone for a half hour. The beautiful thing about the Unbeatable Mind is that you get results right away and they keep getting better.

That’s why I have no problem giving you a full 30 days to test-drive the program at my own risk. 

If within the first 30 days, you aren’t absolutely amazed with how much better your life is becoming, then simply contact [email protected]. We’ll return your entire investment, no questions asked, and thank you for giving Unbeatable Mind: Foundations a try. 

After the first 30 days, there’s no refund, but you can cancel at any time. We only want you on board as long as you’re getting value from it. To be honest though, you’d probably have to do literally nothing from the program to not get many times your investment back. We have members who only do a fraction of what we teach and cannot believe their results in income, health, and happiness.

Bonus: The Unbeatable Community And Monthly Coaching Calls to Guide You Every Step of the Way

Remember… installing the Unbeatable Mind is a process, and I’d never leave you to master this all alone. 

Instead, I’m giving you two things:

Access to the Unbeatable Community.

Access to Monthly Coaching Calls with my Top Instructors

In the Unbeatable Community you get forum access to instructors and fell ow members that will have your back and help you through any questions and challenges. We’ll also celebrate your victories and encourage you to keep going, no matter what happens.

No matter what your personal or professional situation is, you’ll find people who have gone through the same things and want to help you. And every month we have a Coaching Call at no extra charge to you. You can ask coaches questions directly and get live-help. Or you can simply just listen and learn from what your Unbeatable comrades are sharing.

No one’s ever put on the spot, and everyone gains so much, each and every call. 

You’ll even get access to a special Unbeatable App to get updates and practice your breathing exercises. I could (and perhaps should) charge an extra $49-100 just for the Community, Calls, & App alone. But they’re yours FREE because I truly want you to have the entire package when you take the path of the Unbeatable Mind.

Become Unbeatable 
for Only $499/yr

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Tomorrow’s Stress Will Be Worse
Your Only Option is to Be Unbeatable

I used to love phrases like “Everything will work out.” And “There’s a silver lining to everything.” But that just isn’t true. 

In fact, I’ve seen countless examples in the military, in my volunteership, and in my everyday life where quite the opposite happens. I’m betting you’ve seen the same. No one is guaranteed a happy ending and no one is guaranteed success.

But I’ll tell you one thing. When someone takes total discipline and control of their life… things tend to work out. And no matter what comes their way, they grab that silver lining and make it so. 

The fact is that when you’re using the tools in the Unbeatable Mind, you have a completely different relationship to life. You can see what no one else can see. You can navigate the chaotic waters with ease. You recognize opportunities and you take them without thinking about it. This makes you financially secure, amazingly healthy, and with an unmistakable confidence everyone admires. But you have to do the work.

The good news is that the work is completely laid out for you and put in baby steps, so all you have to do is just put one foot in front of the other. No matter how undisciplined you may feel right now… even if you feel you’ve become a total wreck… You can pull yourself out of that quicker than you think is even physically possible. And if you think you’re doing “pretty good” already… watch how your ceiling of success rises beyond what you ever thought was possible. 

Become Unbeatable for Just $499/yr

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I’ll leave you with this. If you could live without fear… If you could drop your worries… If you could calmly, happily, and powerfully strive for the things most important to you and get them… What would your life be like?

Would you have a bigger house? What would your body look like? If you’re booming with confidence, happiness, and non-stop success, what would your relationships be like? Do you think you might be more attractive with these traits?

Look, I can’t tell you exactly what you specifically get from Unbeatable Mind: Foundations because YOU  have to decide. What I can tell you is that anything you do want has been achieved with the Unbeatable Mind, many times over.

Beach body? Done. 

Million dollar business? Done.

Top athletic score? Done.

Find the love of your life? Done. 

All you have to do is decide what you want, and the Unbeatable Mind will get you there. And if you don’t know what you want yet, you’ll find out in the first month exactly what you want and exactly what will truly fulfill you. Everything is waiting for you inside. You just have to take the first step and open the door. 

Become Unbeatable 
for Only $499/yr

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