Free MasterClass With Mark Divine
Harnessing the Navy SEAL Mindset
How Nike, Tesla, And Google Harness The Navy SEAL Mindset To Produce Elite Performing Teams, And How You Can Use These Proven Methods To Coach, Inspire And Lead Others With Confidence In Any Situation
Expires Tuesday June 20th at Midnight
Free MasterClass
With Mark Divine
Harnessing the Navy SEAL Mindset
How Nike, Tesla, And Google Harness The Navy SEAL Mindset To Produce Elite Performing Teams, And How You Can Use These Proven Methods To Coach, Inspire And Lead Others With Confidence In Any Situation
Expires 6/20/23 at Midnight

Tuesday, June 13th

11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern
Webinar Starts In...
In this FREE 60-minute masterclass, you’ll discover…
  • How Nike, Tesla, and Google executives harnessed military-grade leadership techniques to produce elite-level performance and be seen by their teams as strong, capable leaders even during the most demanding of situations. 
  • Why old-school leadership and coaching methods are obsolete. And what every leader, coach, or peak performer must know to cut through the noise and confidently lead any person or team, so they thrive in the toughest of situations. 
  • A simple mindset shift to eliminate negative thinking and soul-crushing overwhelm. Use this to dissolve stress fast so you can be the strong warrior your company, family, and communities can count on. 
  • 4 secrets to tap into military-grade mental toughness to overcome impossible odds and be relentless in pursuing mission success
Expires Tuesday June 20th at Midnight
This Free Masterclass is happening soon on Tuesday, June 13th. Make sure and register today to save your spot well in advance. Add it to your calendar and make sure is on your list of safe senders. Hooyah and see you there!
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